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Corporate Counselling (EAP)

Results driven and cost effective services.

With the emphasis on supporting staff at times of crisis, either professional or personal.

I provide counselling services which are results driven and cost effective. 

My services have supported clients nationwide as one of the most reputable independent counselling and mediation service providers.

I provide expertise with employee assistance programmes, employee well-being, and services to combat absence management and stress in the workplace.

Services I offer include;

  • Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) by Skype, Telephone or On Site / In Person.

  • Employee Well-Being.

  • Absents Management.

  • Reduction of Stress in the Workplace.

  • Working with Change.

  • Work Place Mediation.

  • Critical Incident and Trauma Management.

  • Support for Customers / Employees.

  • Team Buillding Workshops.

  • Training in Mental Health Awareness / Prevention.

  • Well Mind Retreats.

Workplace mediation helps deal with difficult relationships at work, often affecting more than the people directly involved.

When organisations have to deal with critical incidents and trauma, I deliver the right kind of support at the right time.

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP).
My professional counselling services support Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) and the health and well-being of employees.

Drawing on my extensive experience, my counselling service offers a one stop shop service for occupational health providers. For their clients, I provide personal support, often emotional help and encouragement, as well as assistance with work-life and workplace situations.

I offer exceptional levels of understanding, combined with expertise and professional resources. Management information, working confidentially and to The British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists Association ethical framework is all part of my personal approach and seamless service.

Employee Well-being.
Personal issues can have a major impact on the workplace, families, organisations and of course the individual themselves. Problems might include work, health, relationships, bereavement and other forms of loss, emotional disturbance or someone might feel they just ‘need someone to talk to’.

Challenges sometimes stretch a person beyond their capability. During these difficult times support is important and I provide you with a way of helping your employees deal with some of these issues as they arise.

My services are a very cost effective means of providing well-being, helping your employees help themselves.

Absence Management.

Maximising wellness and minimising illness in the workplace is a key service offered.

I support both employees and employers.

Absence in the workplace is a major concern for organisations. According to the CBI, the UK economy loses nearly 200 million working days a year, costing employers over £35 billion. I recognise that by tackling the factors contributing to long term absence, and supporting a return to work, is a key objective for many organisations.

My counselling services recognises the unique needs of each individual and their situation

Stress in the Workplace.
Over recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of individuals suffering from stress. Work related stress, or stress affecting performance at work, has led to organisations trying to tackle this problem in a number of ways.

Good management practice, helping staff cope with workplace pressure, has been helpful to try and reduce this. An individual’s stress however is unique to them and I provide a service which allows employees to explore their own experience of stress and further their own personal well-being.

As an employer you can take a positive step and do something about stress, by facilitating employees to access our support system.

Working with Change.
Despite the benefits of change to organisations, change is nearly always resisted. A sense of insecurity, inadequate information and problems with communication often prevail.

This is normal since change is disruptive and stressful.

Often individuals’ circumstances are materially affected by change and change processes ignore the need to help individuals deal with what is happening for them. For example, it can mean loss of employment or a fear of the unknown.  

I can provide personal counselling support to help with any fears that individuals might have. It can help build trust and assist them to deal with it in their own way.

Workplace Mediation.

My service provides an early opportunity for the resolution of conflict between colleagues in the workplace.

Communication is facilitated through the help of an independent mediator in a private, safe and secure environment.

With my help, all sides can arrive at a point of conciliation swiftly, allowing working relationships to be re built in a healthy fashion.

The cost of mediation is much less than that of pursuing traditional grievance or investigative routes; also the brief nature of the intervention means staff can be back at work quickly.


Restructure Guidance Counselling.

Staff moral, Work flow and effectiveness can all be impacted whilst companies are implementing a restructure as it brings about a certain uncertainty, therefore I offer temporary counselling in this instance.


Critical Incidents and Trauma.
Imagine a traumatic incident is reported in the workplace. Whilst a rapid response to a traumatic event is critical, the nature of any support will vary depending on the specific situation. I deliver the right kind of support at the right time.

I provide your organisation with professional expertise to access telephone support, a critical incident management team, individual screening, post trauma counselling and debriefing.

My process is rigorous, My response can be instant and I work with NICE guidelines for trauma. We have set up a trauma network which is nationally recognised and play a leading role in this specialist field.


Support for Customers / Employees.
Caring for people can be a big part of the role of some organisations. In these circumstances, my services support the well-being of your clients. My work with numerous corporations is a good example of how I do this.

I can work with you to tailor support services that can be provided to your employees.

Often this caring element of a business can be forgotten and as innovators we want to work with you to provide a cutting edge to your services.

1-2-1 Sessions from £50.00 Per Session

Couples Sessions from £75.00 Per Session


To See Full Terms & Conditions, a List of Costs or To Jump Right into a Session - Click Here

To contact me to arrange a Free No Obligation Chat - Click Here

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